Saturday, December 22, 2007

I finally see the real you. It's only through this break up that i could see how mean and ugly you could be. I can bravely tell the world that you don't have a single respect for me. So insensitive to me. What you feel is not harmful to me may not be how a girl perceive it. It is very unjustifiable of you that becoz you have a void in your heart right now and need to carry on with your daily life, that you have the rights to flirt. Try asking your sister or your mom about it. I know what you do is not a secret. But you shouldn't even need to flirt to fill up that void. I have a void too. But i do it the healthy way. And whoever that you confided in last night and told you your flirting was fine. Is giving you so bad advice!!!! I hope that person is not a chirtstian. Coz none of my christian sisters have told me to go out and flirt to keep myself occupied. If you were considerate enough and really want the girl to heal, you won't be doing such things. You are just prolonging the healing time. Coz it is not only the girl down in England you flirted with. But two Sundays back, you were flirting just next to me. Right now, i can only pray for you. Coz if you choose to continue to make the same mistakes and not change your ways, you are gonna hurt the next girl in your life. You have hurt Ellen and me. Time to turn over a new leaf, boy. Please pray and seek God's will in this. I hope someone out there could bring you back to your senses.