I am feeling so bloody stressed out now!!!! Trying to finish writing up my Periodontology Longitudinal Report. It's killing me man!
I know i can easily finish it in a few hours producing a crappy job. But I wanna ace it. I wanna get an 'A' for it.
Smoking, Oral Contraceptive Pills, Atenolol, High Blood Pressure..... Argh! My patient has so many of the risk factors for contracting periodontal disease. :(
Oh well, i have to start spending my night reading up on journals again.
On a side note, I am loving the Glasgow Uni new annex floor plan. The cheerful colours, comfy sofas, new computer clusters and dining area all in one. It brings back those memories of me studying during my college days back in Singapore where me and my best friend spent our days mugging together at Starbucks, Mac... The only difference now is that i spend longer hours in the library.
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